“OPTO PLAN-N-TRF” TRINOCULAR FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPE INFINITY PLAN: Supplied with EPI Fluorescence attachment with HBO 100W high pressure mercury vapour lamp and high grade condenser system. The EPI fluorescence attachment is supplied with two filters blocks B(Blue) G(Green) having their own set of excitation filter, dichromic mirror and barrier filter. Additional filter block UV(Ultra Violet) & V(Violet) filter blocks is supplied optionally. Accordingly the microscope with above four filters blocks is suitable for all excitation techniques. Optical System (Plan FLUOR, Anti Fungus): Supplied with Infinity Corrected PLAN FLUOR optics PLF 4X, PLF 10X, PLF40X and PLF100X objectives. Plan FLOUR objectives are specially designed for Fluorescence Microscopy and high eye point compensating Eyepiece WF10x paired (F.NO 22).