In an application, the measuring electrode (sense probe) is provided with a stilling tube which forms a capacitor. The amount of capacitance of this capacitor is governed by the level of water between the two electrodes (sense probe & stilling tube). ROF measures the Change of Capacitance to measure the Change of Level of the water. This level is then converted to the Rate of Flow, depending on the weir type selected or K,n parameter entered for the equation for calculating Flow Rate.
Latest RISC core microcontroller technology
Multi-purpose 5 digit Seven Segment LED display for best resolution and better viewing from distance
Built-in “Time Aware” Totalizer function
Built-in equations along with custom Q=Kh^n for various weir types
Selectable Display for ROF / Level / ROF% / Level%
Two wire Pulse Coded Digital communication enabling two sensors to be connected on same pair of wires to the evaluation unit. Supporting as far as 1 KM distance between Sensor and Evaluation Unit with shielded two core cables
Three independent potential-free relays, providing flexibility of selecting six combinations of switching
Galvanically isolated true two wire 4-20mA proportional to 0.0% and 100.0% level is available for remote indication purposes
Two wire implementation solves the malfunction problems that occurs with various PLC 4-20 input interfaces and thus better suits for higher-end automation
4-20mA loop can handle 700 Ohm loop resistance with internal isolated supply. The loop resistance can be 1K Ohm for external DC Supply of 24 Volts
Plastic potted with epoxy resin
16VDC @ 5mA derived from Sensor Communication Interface of Evaluation Unit
250Khz to 20Khz
Reverse Frequency Measurement
10 counts per PF
Digitally Encoded Current (8mA – 16mA) Pulse
Universal Mains 90 to 265 V AC, 50/60 Hz and 24 V DC
3 Watts
Resistance per core not to exceed 30 Ohms
Use of Shielded Twisted Pair Cables is recommended for long runs of cable
Cable Lengths of 1000 Meters are thus supported with Grounded Cable Shields
30pf to 250pf
10pf to 4500pf (Difference from Zero%)
RL max = 700 Ohm using internal isolated supply
RL max = 1K Ohm for external loop supply of 24 V DC
Current: 4-20mA
3 potential-free relays with one set of potential-free change over contact per relay
Contact Ratings: 6 Amp @ 230 V AC 50/60 Hz for non-inductive loads
1% in Single-point switching
1 to 98% selectable in pump control
Measuring differential level In Open Channel
Water treatment plants
Filtration stations
Effluent treatment plants
Seven Segment Display
LED for 3 Relay Outputs
Switching: 5mm Red LEDs’ for Alarm Indication
Continuous: -50% to 150% digitally on 1”2 Seven Segment Display